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Sweeter by the Dozen



An Open Letter To The Wedding Industry

Noel en Noir Photo by Nicole Amanda Photography

An Open Letter To The Ottawa Wedding Industry

Being in the events industry I think it’s in our nature that we always put other first. And in doing so we make a lot of sacrifices that sometimes go unnoticed.  Sophie, Jessica and I, knowing this all too well, felt that it was high time to celebrate- ourselves. Because after the 25hr workdays on coffee and granola bar diets we all deserve a night to dress up, sip those fancy cocktails and celebrate! But most of all it gives us a chance to reconnect with industry friends we seldom see during the busy wedding season. Thus Noel en Noir was born.

When we first started planning this event we all said, even if we only had 30 people show up, well, we’d have a good laugh, drink on everyone’s behalf and dance on the bar. Let me tell you, when I say we were astounded by everyone that came through those front doors.

So how can I begin to thank everyone who came out to Noel en Noir? Seeing your faces as you walked in truly made me feel like I was, dare I say, among family. I have such a huge appreciation for all the hard work you do and the businesses you’ve created from scratch, that to celebrate your success at Noel en Noir was more than any of us could ask for. Events like this strengthen our community and builds lasting friendships.

It’s official, we will be hosting Noel en Noir 2.0 with more surprises in store for 2016! Pictures are now up on Noel en Noir's Facebook Page  . My my, aren't you all good lookin'! 

Xoxo Elise 

Photo Cred: Nicole Amanda Photography

