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National Art Gallery, Oborn Room Wedding

A few days ago I innocently asked my Instagram followers if there was any intrest in sharing my predictions for 2021 weddings and how covid will likely impact them. At the start of this Pandemic we all thought this would be a simple 2 week to a month quarantine and the tail end of Summer and fall would be likely on schedule as per usual. And as we sunk into our first lockdown it became evident that planning weddings was going to become a logistical nightmare. The number one thing I have learned is that a lot can change within a few days AND being strategic about your planning isn’t a thing.

In the first few days of the Pandemic I made a point of not addressing our current situation via social media because I didn’t want to add to the fear factor. Everyone was already overwhelmed with their own life situation- now was not the time to scare all my clients by getting on Instagram and projecting my worries for their weddings. What I did do was reach out to all my clients on a case by case basis with a narrative that would change based on when their wedding was scheduled to take place. My communication was positive, I reassured my clients that I am 100% here for them in any capacity and that I would do my absolute best to advocate on their behalf. My goal was and always has been to provide as much information and insight as possible so that my clients can make their own informed decisions.

Which leads me to my innocent IG of seeing if any one was interested in what I was seeing in my crystal ball. I had quite a few responses to do a set of stories- and so I did. The reaction I received was, well, extremely overwhelming. My stories went viral, shares were rampant and dm’s we’re off the hook. I received so many messages of thanks, for being honest and open. May people said that they needed to hear my message even if it made them cry and re-evaluate their current situation.

All I ever want is to help people in a positive way. To empower those who seek knowledge by sharing a real perspective unfiltered and share my knowledge. I like making people feel better about their situation while keeping that realistic view point. In life, I find it’s a waste of time to beat around the bush and a disservice to everyone is you gloss over the facts. The most important thing to me is to not be insensitive of other people’s feelings or unfairly judge a situation based on personal opinions. It’s a tricky role to play that I work on constantly because I can come across sternly… thank you Oma Schmitz for that. LOL

Before I answer your question here is a link to our current restrictions


So without further ado, here are the answers to some of the questions asked you’ve all asked me yesterday. My initial stories have been saved on IG under the bubble “Covid + 2021 =”. I have also answered all these questions in a live as well and have saved it on IGTV for future reference.

Should couples be considering setting up a BACKUP date for summer wedding to fall?

What we learned in 2020 is that things can change quickly. Weddings postponed too quickly missed the opportunity to have their wedding when restrictions were more relaxed. This put couples in a position they didn’t expect and added more stress to their current situation. My advice, wait until 1-2 months before you make a solid decision. Prior to that, explore all your options and implement them when the time comes.

What have couples done for entertainment where dancing is not possible?

This is a great question. One client of mine decided to focus their evening on a food and wine pairing. Mini courses paired with delicious wine which kept guests in their seats for most of the evening. Others have included entertainment such as dance performances, live singers and also changing locations throughout the evening with food & beverage served in seperate locations so that guests didn’t feel like they were stuck in one place for too long. For example, cocktails in their backyard on the water, dinner in the tent at the side of the property, dessert, entertaining performances, first dance and speeches to finish the evening in the backyard again with fireworks. Guests will stay longer if the environment is comfy: seating, lounges etc. and if there is good food and side entertainment.

Do you think it’s wise to push a July wedding later in the year like December 2021?

This answer depends on the roll out of the vaccine which we cannot comment on yet. Keep in mind that come mid September, we’re officially in “flu season”. This could increase cases with restrictions increasing. To better set yourself up to make the call on postponement, wait until late April before you consider anything. By then we should have a good idea if our vaccination program is rolling out well or not. Keep in mind we will not have heard immunity until 70% of the population is vaccinated. That means BOTH vaccinations. We also don’t know yet even if we are fully vaccinated if we can still transmit the virus, thus masking will be in effect for some time.

What to do with min spend food/drink when you can’t reach that amount with the # of guests allowed now?

This is a tough question to answer and you might not like what you’re about to hear. In most f&b contracts when a venue is providing these services, they likely lock you in to a minimum guest count or “x” of minimum spend in food and beverage. Why is this? This minimum is calculated based on what that venue needs to make in order to cover their overhead. Staffing, heat, hydro, property taxes, rent/mortgage, water bills, venue repairs etc etc + a small profit margin. If they make any less then this- they would shortly go out of business. When you sign that contract you are essentially agreeing to spending that minimum amount. Now say you have 50 ppl and your shy of meeting that say 10k mark. You simple add more food. A better cut of steak, adding a lobster tail, hosting an open bar, upgrading your dessert, adding additional food courses. You can also ask if they have a baker in-house that can make your wedding cake, does this venue provide any additional decor services? Sometimes venues will be flexible and open up their min spend to not just f&b but services all together. Pull from every resource that venue has to offer, and it doesn’t hurt to ask- can you do this? Ask them if they can make small take away food baskets which can be delivered to guests who can’t make it to your wedding. Like a little charcuterie board and champagne all packaged up.

What can we as venues add as a covid clause for refunds and date changes?

This is a question I’m not qualified to answer in any formal way. I can’t even begin to explain what it has been like for some venues that have had to reschedule 200+ weddings this year alone. The amount of time it takes to communicate with one client on a date change is unreal. Then for that same client to come back and ask to reschedule AGAIN a second time!??!?! It’s really unfair for venues and the amount of money they are spending on staff just answering emails and doing admin work is astronomical and isin’t accounted for in their pricing at the time of that client booking. For this reason venues have had to drawn a hard line in the sand to keep clients from rescheduling multiple times. This takes shape in additional fees for moving dates and increase in food pricing.

Does live music have to wear a mask and shield outside?

In August 2020 (green code) we were allowed to have a singer perform behind a standing plastic plexiglass shield. In September we were permitted to have a singer without a shield 15ft away from any guests. Best bet is to wait until your wedding to see what is allowed and what isn’t.

Was October 202 for 200, now May 2021 for 50-80. When should we send invites?

Since times have changed I would suggest an E-save the date and a paper invitation only 1.5 months prior to your wedding date. it always advisable to have a website so that you can communicate any changes as they come.

Are you returning deposits to couples who decided to cancel or had to move their date and didn’t have the new date available?

Non-refundable booking deposits are always non-refundable. For us planners, we typically have deposits throughout the planning process based on work completed. Therefore all deposits are non-refundable.

What would a timeline for the day look like when no dancing? How do you entertain guests?

Timelines are still the same except, depending on our color code for the area where additional restrictions are inplace. For example when food & beverage must cease. If you have alcohol ending at 9pm- you may want to move your schedule back and hour or so.

Can you still gave first dances?

Yes you can! As well as parent dances- and they do not need to be masked. Same with speeches and whomever is walking down the aisle

Can you still socialize with guests?

Outdoors- masks on if you can not maintain 6ft distance. Indoors- masks on at all times unless you sitting down with your buble at your table. In August if you were drinking or eating you needed to remain seated. This means cocktail hour with alcohol was seated. Some couples opted for an beverage free first 30 mins as they greeted all their guests. Then asked everyone to find their seats and the bar opened.

DO you think a May wedding can happen?

Right now, if I were to make an educated guess, 25ppl.

I needed to hear this! Oct 2, 21 date, outside but worried about dancing restrictions- thoughts?

I think 2021 will always have a dancing ban unless your wedding is outdoors and in QC

Have you worked with a venue who isn’t accommodating a couple who wants to cancel?

Cancelling and postponing are very different. likely if you consciously cancel your wedding- you will loose your initial deposit. Depending on how close your wedding date is, you may lose additional deposits.

I really want to get married in 2021, but everyone is urging me to wait until 2022. Should I?

If your wedding was scheduled to happen in 2020 and you postponed to 2021- have your wedding. If you were planning on a 2021 wedding from the get-go, postponing to 2022 may be a good idea if you haven’t already booked any vendors. If you have booked vendors, commit to 2021.

What are your thoughts on cross border venues? AKA if you’re in ON & want to get married in QC

Historically QC has always come out of a lock down faster and has had looser restrictions for gatherings. If you haven’t chosen a venue yest., QC will likely be a better bet. But don’t swap venues due to the added risk it may not work out as you had anticipated.

Vendor and also 2021 bride..if we have out of country guests, should we just livestream and not wait for a covid-free life? ALso I’m thinking of cancelling the venue as we are required to pay 4K for food and bev for 50 ppl...which seems steep now.

There will never be such a thing as a covid free life. We will always have some sort of protective measures in place depending on our current state. Live stream.

If somebody decides to postpone their wedding now, are you considering it a conscious cancellation of contract and regular cancellation fees apply, or are you allowing them to move to next year with no admin fees?

Conscious and fee apply. If you are steadfast and your wedding is scheduled and the day of or a few days before your wedding is cancelled by the venue due to a lock down, you may not have an postponement fees as this was a government shutdown and completely out of your control. HOWEVER, you’re initial deposit may not be transferable to a new date if you postpone again.

I’m getting married and I booked a pre-covid wedding in 2019. That being said, the venue told me that regardless of how many ppl are competing, I have to pay for the full amount, let’s say 10k for the venue because it’s a Sat and its a minimum is 85 guests. Are they allowed to still do that if covid permits only 50 guests. Are they allowed to make me pay for 85 guests or should they have covid modifications?

Yes they can. The monetary amount they list is the guiding principle. This represents what it costs for their overhead to ensure they can simply exist when your wedding rolls around. It’s not about profit margins. It pays the bills. A venue only makes money once that benchmark is hit and higher.

So then those weddings that were cancelled due to the complete lockdown in 2020 that have re-booked within 6 months as per their contract will or will not have administrative charges if this second lockdown extends through to their second date picked?

There shouldn’t be another charge as you’re not “consciously” postponing again if the lockdown is extended- it’s the government and you have no say, nor do you have a crystal ball to predict the future.

I would love some real talk from you about dancing. I don’t care about reducing numbers and masks, but dancing was such a key part of my Spanish wedding. I wanted Flamenco performers and to dance with my friends most of all. I’m having a hard time envisioning just dinner as I wasn’t keen on speeches before. Now it seems like that’s all you can have. Any thoughts? I was hoping to postpone until September but that doesn’t mean dancing will be allowed?

Dancing will likely not be allowed until 2022. We can’t keep waiting with a hope and a prayer. Get married now. If you wait, you’ll likely still have some restrictions and be disappointed in the end.

Is the trend that you’re seeing that fees are increasing for 2022? Or just those who cancelled/postponed from 2020/2021?

Fees will certainly increase in 2022 across the board. Some vendors have had slight increases depending on the services they provide.

