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Toast Blog

Are you an aspiring photographer? Or maybe you're a seasoned vet looking to diversify your portfolio and build your tribe through creative collaboration....

Which probably means you love photography, styling, pinning, social media and DIY's. Does the thought of capturing mini styled shoots and vloging along the way feed your creative soul? Us too! 

If we've checked off some of those boxes- being our resident 2018 photog intern might just be the opportunity you've been looking for:) 

So what does this "said" intern do?


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  • Attend, photograph & edit life-style shoots and fashion sessions featuring Eliza & her team intended for their social media campaign, blog and Youtube.
  • Capture & edit video highlights for IG trailers.
  • Attend select weddings to capture the before and after of the art in how we transform spaces.
  • Social media content creation which will be used for our social media


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be part of our team

  • 1 - 2 shoots days per month
  • 20 edited images + a 15sec vid clip per shoot
  • Internship commitment for one year begining Jan 1st 2018
  • Highlighted on our website as our resident photography intern w/ bio



Send us an email telling us why you want to be our next intern!

Include 10 images of your best work or a link to your portfolio

Be sure to include a link to your Instagram, website and Facebook Page

Serious inquiries only


